License Number: CH13494

Chiropractic Physician
License Status
Year Began Practicing
Not Provided
License Expiration Date

The practitioner has not verified the information contained in this profile.

Primary Practice Address
9624 w linebaugh ave
TAMPA, FL 33626

The practitioner did not indicate if he/she participates in the Medicaid program.

Staff Privileges
This practitioner has not indicated any staff privileges.Chiropractic physicians typically do not hold staff privileges.
Email Address

Please contact at:

Other State Licenses

This practitioner has indicated the following additional state licensure:

State Profession
South Carolina Chiropractor

Specialty Certification

This practitioner does not hold any certifications from specialty boards recognized by the Florida board which regulates the profession for which he/she is licensed.

Financial Responsibility

I have obtained and will maintain an unexpired, irrevocable letter of credit, established pursuant to Chapter 675, F.S., in an amount not less than $100,000 per claim, with a minimum aggregate availability of credit of not less than $300,000. This letter of credit is payable to me as beneficiary upon presentation of a final judgement indicating liability and awarding damages to be paid by me or upon a settlement agreement signed by all parties to such agreement when such final judgement or settlement is a result of a claim arising out of the rendering of , or the failure to render, chiropractic care and services, pursuant to rule 64B2-17.009(2), F.A.C.