Practitioner Profile

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License Number: APRN11020667

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
License Status
Year Began Practicing
License Expiration Date

Primary Practice Address
17645 Wright Street
Suite 300
OMAHA, NE 68130

This practitioner does NOT participate in the Medicaid program.

Staff Privileges
APRNs are not required to provide this information.
Email Address

Please contact at:

Other State Licenses

This practitioner has indicated the following additional state licensure:

State Profession
Nebraska Nurse Practitioner
Nebraska Registered Nurse
Arkansas Nurse Practitioner
Arizona Nurse Practitioner
Colorado Nurse Practitioner
Connecticut Registered Nurse
Connecticut Nurse Practitioner
Georgia Nurse Practitioner
Iowa Nurse Practitioner
Idaho Nurse Practitioner
Illinois Registered Nurse
Illinois Nurse Practitioner
Indiana Nurse Practitioner
Kansas Nurse Practitioner
Kentucky Nurse Practitioner
Massachusetts Registered Nurse
Maine Nurse Practitioner
Michigan Registered Nurse
Minnesota Registered Nurse
Minnesota Nurse Practitioner
Missouri Nurse Practitioner
New Hampshire Nurse Practitioner
New York Registered Nurse
New York Nurse Practitioner
North Carolina Nurse Practitioner
North Dakota Nurse Practitioner
Ohio Registered Nurse
Ohio Nurse Practitioner
Oklahoma Nurse Practitioner
Pennsylvania Registered Nurse
Pennsylvania Nurse Practitioner
South Dakota Nurse Practitioner
Tennessee Nurse Practitioner
Utah Nurse Practitioner
Virginia Nurse Practitioner
Wisconsin Nurse Practitioner
Texas Nurse Practitioner
Illinois RN
Florida CNP
Louisiana CNP
Massachusetts CNP
Maryland CNP
Nevada RN
Nevada CNP
New Mexico CNP
Oregon RN
Oregon CNP
Vermont CNP
Washington RN
Washington CNP
Wyoming CNP

Specialty Certification

This practitioner holds the following certifications from specialty boards recognized by the Florida board which regulates the profession for which he/she is licensed:

Specialty Board Certification

Financial Responsibility

I have obtained and will maintain Professional liability coverage of at least $100,000 per claim with a minimum annual aggregate of at least $300,000 from an authorized insurer under Section 624.09, F.S., a surplus lines insurer under Section 626.914(2), F.S., a joint underwriting association under Section 627.351(4), F.S., a self-insurance plan under Section 627.357, F.S., or a risk retention group under Section 627.942, F.S.

ARNP Protocol Documents

Section 464.012(3), Florida Statutes was amended in the 2017 Legislative Session requiring that an established protocol be maintained at certain locations.

This section removed the requirement that the Board of Nursing reviews or maintains protocols at the department. Instead, established protocols must be maintained on site at the location(s) at which an advanced registered nurse practitioner practices, as well as any updates to protocols.

In the case of multiple supervising physicians in the same group, an advanced registered nurse practitioner must enter into a supervisory protocol with at least one physician within the physician group practice.

Content provided on the ARNP Protocols tab will no longer be updated, as of June 23, 2017. Here is a link to the law change: , see pages 6-7.

If you have further questions, please contact the Florida Board of Nursing at (850) 245-4125. The Board's website address for additional information is: